for Emergency Tank Shower, Shelters, and Cabinets
Safety Showers are the first line of defense for decontamination after chemical exposure. In extremely hot climates, water temperature reaches above the recommended temperature of 38 o C by ANSI Z358.1. Thus, the emergency tank showers become unusable during the 4 to 6 months of the year, causing a grave safety concern.
Instruments also face issues with their working life and functioning in extremely hot climates. Smith Applied provides sustainable, green, and low CO2 footprint cooling solutions for such applications.
Smith Applied’s FastCool™ passive cooling solution is a patented technology that eliminates the use of electricity for cooling. It provides a sustainable, green, maintenance-free, and cost-effective solution to keep the temperature within specified limits.
FastCool™ system utilizes the diurnal temperature difference to provide cooling. It uses night cold temperature to dissipate the heat gained during daytime via a heat pipe system and keeps the overall temperature below specified limits.
FastCool™ system consists of a well-insulated tank/enclosure, thermal storage (water), internal heat exchanger, and external heat exchanger. An internal heat exchanger located inside the water is connected to an external heat exchanger using a diode system. This connection only allows the heat to flow from the internal heat exchanger to the external heat exchanger and not the vice versa. As soon as the ambient temperature drops below the tank water temperature, the cooling process starts automatically. The internal tank absorbs the heat from the water and expels it to the ambient via the external heat exchanger.
When the ambient temperature rises above the water temperature during the daytime, the heat transfer stops due to the diode nature of the system. Thermal insulation ensures that heat gain through the tank walls is negligible. Thus, the system can work in the highest recorded temperature environments.
Smith Applied presents Hybrid Cooling solution for the situation where Passive cooling solution can’t keep the temperature below the specified value for some days in extremely harsh summer. Our commitment to sustainable cooling solutions has led to the development of another patented hybrid cooling technology. Hybrid cooling technology is a combination of passive and active cooling. The cooling is mainly achieved with the help of passive cooling but supplemented by active cooling if required. Hybrid cooling system provides the required duty with 80% lower power consumption. The hybrid cooling system delivers the necessary performance while reducing power consumption by 80%. This innovation has undergone rigorous performance testing both internally and by third-party agencies.
Hybrid cooler has fewer moving parts and more safeguards to guarantee high reliability. It can maintain the safety tank shower water temperature at 25°C ± 3°C even in the hottest climate. Units are ATEX compliant and designed for Hazardous areas (Zone1 and Zone2). The system is designed with the consideration of easy retrofitting to eliminate any extra plot requirement and can be connected to the lowest available power level.
Emergency showers are the first line of defence against corrosive fluid spills. The shower water temperature in hot climates can reach as high as 45o C - 55o C during peak summer. Temperatures above 38o C cause scalding and are not recommended by ANSI and hence shower cooling is needed in such climates.
Electrical chillers are usually used for cooling the water and recirculating it to the shower. The Chillers consume power, require electrical installation, as well as extensive insulated/burried pipe network.
The FastCool TM passive cooling technology uses a combination of heat transfer augmentation techniques to ensure that the natural convection delivers fast cooling.
First and foremost, the advantage of a FastCool TM shower system is that it is a green solution and reduces the carbon footprint of your plant. Following are the key benefits:
The FastCool TM system cools the tank water during nighttime. It will maintain the water close to the average night temperature. Our units installed in the Middle-East maintain water temperature in the range of 28-34˚C during summer. These temperatures are well within the safe limit for safety shower use as per the international standards (ANSI Z358.1).
One of the major advantages of FastCool TM technology is short commissioning time. FastCoolTM shower is usually ready for use within the same or next shift. Commissioning time, however, depends upon incoming water temperature and the ambient temperature variation.
The FastCool TM uses non-hazardous legionella kits to comply with the water quality.
The FastCool TM technology uses materials which are safe for the shower and even drinking purposes. Thus, it does not affect water quality.
No. The FastCool TM cooling technology does not have any moving components and does not require any periodic maintenance.